Yep, You guessed it! We were an Engine Company today! The Ladder was in the shop for Aeriel
Maintenance. We do miss our baby but I really like this truck! We had reserve Engine 10, It has everything I like on a fire truck. All backwards jump seats, Q siren, Deck gun and Air Horn Chains instead of the pedals. I like truck work more than engine work but I don't mind having this truck for a while.Here is a picture of the Deck Gun:

Yeah, now that I have a deck gun, I'm ready for the big one! The day started off with the normal truck and equipment check offs. I got all my turnout gear and extra equipment by my seat ready. I then proceeded to go through every cabinet on the Engine to familiarize myself with the equipment on the truck and where everything is located. I take pride in getting my spot ready on the truck and to make sure everything on the truck is ready because you have to be ready for anything. You never know what is going to happen in the Fire Service. After check offs, we went to our daily housework and some people fixing themselves breakfast. We decided to clean out and re-organize the Fridge and our shifts pantry. I was going through all these different sauces, asking the Lt. if I should toss various items. When I came across a hot sauce, labeled "Hottest Sauce In The World"; I opened it and took a smell of it and it smelt sweet. The Lt. told me to try some and said it wasn't that hot. I, (being the idiot), believed him. I put some on finger and licked it. OH MY GOSH! That was so HOT! I started sweating and my mouth began to numb up, and I was just going nuts! DO NOT EVER TRY THIS! Here is a pic of the bottle:

After a little while, we played some Corn Hole, I sucked. Lol. We were about to head to Station 6 for EMS training when we were dispatched to a Commercial Fire Alarm with Water Flow, around 1145 hrs. We arrived on scene shortly and gained access to the Sprinkler room. There turned out to be no water flow and I think the alarm was reset by the alarm company. All units were then put back in service. Units responding were E-10, E-6, T-6, T-2, R-3 and B-1. We then proceeded to Station 6 for our EMS training at 1200 hrs. The training was going over the EMS Unit and getting familiar with where their equipment is located so in case we have to grab something for them then we know where it is at. The training was very helpful and informative. Here is a shot if the rig at training:

Afterwards, we stopped for lunch at Jersey Mikes Subs, that was very good. After lunch the rescue went to the store to pick up some stuff for dinner. Later on we played more Corn Hole with competitions against the Truck guys and Rescue guys, the Truck lost both games. I hit the coach and fell asleep reading a book on Truck Company Fire Ground Operations and slept till about 15oo hrs. A little bit later, We were dispatched to a Lift Assist/Welfare Check, we responded non-emergency to an address with the numerical 1556 and it took us forever to find it because of all the confusing townhouse streets and the way they are set up. We arrived at the address that was given to us and the residents at that location said that they didn't call 911 and nobody had fallen. Well then we went back down to look for it in another part, when we passed the Locksmith, that had been dispatched there, to let us in. They had 1553, so, we proceeded back up to that address and shortly after looking in the back door to find the woman on the floor and heard her dog barking because she had asked the 911 operator if we heard a dog. The locksmith let us in and we went in trying to avoid the angry little dausand. We helped her up, checked to see if she was hurt and asked her some questions and talked to her. The Lt. requested an EMS unit at our location and when they arrived we handed it over to them and went back into service. When we were pulling back up to the station, we noticed that our baby, Ladder 3, was back!! Here she is with a fresh coat of wax, shining in the sun!
Ain't she a beaut?! We then took of all the equipment off the Engine and put it back on the Ladder to get her put back into service. After we finished, Steve, Richey, and I played some football out back and got some good exercise in. As we were playing ball, we were dispatched to a MVC with injuries, we ran down the bay, with me screaming "First Call back on Ladder 3!!!!", we responded and the Rescue arrived in scene before us and said we could go back into service because we were not needed. We came back to the station and cooked dinner and cleaned up the kitchen and dishes and my shift ended shortly after that. I do apologize for the really long post tonight. There was alot to cover, as it was a busy day and a fun day. I hope you enjoyed this post and hope you continue to read my blog as I write (I mean type) ha ha.
Beau Doss
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